(a) Any person owning or operating a coal mine, who has not already done so pursuant to the former provisions of article four, chapter twenty-two-b of this code, shall, within thirty days from the effective date of this article, file with the director a map, prepared by a competent engineer, showing the outside coal boundaries of the said operating coal mine, the existing workings and exhausted areas and the relationship of said boundaries to identifiable surface properties and landmarks. Any person who is storing or contemplating the storage of gas in the vicinity of such operating coal mines shall, upon written request, be furnished a copy of the aforesaid map by the coal operator and such person and the director shall thereafter be informed of any boundary changes at the time such changes occur. The director shall keep a record of such information and shall promptly notify both the coal operator and the storage operator if it is found that the coal mine and the storage reservoir are within ten thousand linear feet of each other.
(b) Any person owning or operating any coal mine which, on March 10, 1955, is or which thereafter comes within ten thousand linear feet of a storage reservoir, and where the coal seam being operated extends over the storage reservoir or the reservoir protective area, shall within forty-five days after such person has notice from the director of such fact, file with the director and furnish to the person operating such storage reservoir, a map in the form hereinabove provided and showing in addition, the existing and projected excavations and workings of such operating coal mine for the ensuing eighteen-month period, and also the location of any oil or gas wells of which said coal operator has knowledge. Such person owning or operating said coal mine shall each six months thereafter file with the director and furnish to the person operating such storage reservoir a revised map showing any additional excavations and workings, together with the projected excavations and workings for the then ensuing eighteen-month period which may be within ten thousand linear feet of said storage reservoir: Provided, That the director may require a coal operator to file such revised map at more frequent intervals if material changes have occurred justifying such earlier filing. Such person owning or operating said coal mine shall also file with the director and furnish the person operating said reservoir prompt notice of any wells which have been cut into, together with all available pertinent information.