- The Virgin Islands, consisting of the Islands of St. Thomas, St. Croix and St. John and all other islands within the jurisdiction of the Virgin Islands, are divided into eighteen (18) districts (not all of which are found on each of the Islands), as follows:
1. A-1 Agricultural District
2. A-2 Agricultural District
3. R-1 Residence—Low Density
4. R-2 Residence—Low Density
5. R-3 Residence—Medium Density
6. R-4 Residence—Medium Density
7. R-5 Residence—High Density
8. B-1 Business—Central Business District
9. B-2 Business—Secondary
10. B-3 Business—Scattered
11. B-4 Business—Residential Areas
12. C Commercial
13. I-1 Industry—Heavy
14. I-2 Industry—Light
15. W-1 Waterfront—Pleasure
16. W-2 Waterfront—Commercial—Industrial
17. P Public
18. S Special