(a) Charge of breach of duty. – A mine inspector or the director may charge a mine foreman, assistant mine foreman, fire boss or any other certified person with neglect or failure to perform any duty mandated pursuant to this article or article two of this chapter. The charge shall state the name of the person charged, the duty or duties he or she is alleged to have violated, the approximate date and place so far as is known of the violation of duty, the capacity of the person making the charge, and shall be verified on the basis of information and belief or personal knowledge. The charge is initiated by filing it with the director or with the board of appeals. A copy of any charge filed with the board of appeals or any member thereof, shall be transmitted promptly to the director. The director shall maintain a file of each charge and of all related documents which shall be open to the public.
(b) Evaluation of charge by board of appeals. – Within twenty days after receipt of the charge the board shall evaluate the charge and determine whether or not a violation of duty has been stated. In making such a determination the board shall evaluate all documents submitted to it by all persons to determine as nearly as possible the substance of the charge and if the board of appeals is unable to determine the substance of the charge it may request the director to investigate the charge. Upon request, the director shall cause the charge to be investigated and report the results of the investigation to the board of appeals within ten days of the director's receipt of the charge. If the board determines that probable cause exists to support the allegation that the person charged has violated his or her duty, the board by the end of the twenty-day period shall set a date for hearing which date shall be within eighty days of the filing of the charge. Notice of the hearing or notice of denial of the hearing for failure to state a charge and a copy of the charge shall be mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the charging party, the charged party, the director, the representative of the miner or miners affected and to any interested person of record. Thereafter the board shall maintain the file of the charge which shall contain all documents, testimony and other matters filed which shall be open for public inspection.
(c) Hearing. – The board of appeals shall hold a hearing, may appoint a hearing examiner to take evidence and report to the board of appeals within the time allotted, may direct or authorize taking of oral depositions under oath by any participant, or adopt any other method for the gathering of sworn evidence which affords the charging party, the charged party, the director and any interested party of record due process of law and a fair opportunity to present and make a record of evidence. Any member of the board shall have the power to administer oaths. The board may subpoena witnesses and require production of any books, papers, records or other documents relevant or material to the inquiry. The board shall consider all evidence offered in support of the charge and on behalf of the persons so charged at the time and place designated in the notice. Each witness shall be sworn and a transcript shall be made of all evidence presented in any such hearing. No continuance shall be granted except for good cause shown.
The board of appeals may accept as evidence a notarized affidavit of drug testing procedures and results from a Medical Review Officer (MRO) in lieu of live testimony by the MRO. If the Board of Appeals desires testimony in lieu of a notarized affidavit, the MRO may testify under oath telephonically or by an Internet based program in lieu of physically attending the hearing.
At the conclusion of the hearing the board shall proceed to determine the case upon consideration of all the evidence offered and shall render a decision containing its findings of fact and conclusions of law. If the board finds by a preponderance of the evidence that the certificate or certificates of the charged person should be suspended or revoked, as hereinafter provided, it shall enter an order to that effect. No renewal of the certificate shall be granted except as herein provided.
(d) Failure to cooperate. – Any person charged who without just cause refuses or fails to appear before the board or cooperate in the investigation or gathering of evidence shall forfeit his or her certificate or certificates for a period to be determined by the board, not to exceed five years, and such certificate or certificates may not be renewed except upon a successful completion of the examination prescribed by the law for mine foremen, assistant mine foremen, fire bosses or other certified persons.
(e) Penalties. – The board may suspend or revoke the certificate or certificates of a charged party for a minimum of thirty days or more including an indefinite period or may revoke permanently the certificate or certificates of the charged party, as it sees fit, subject to the prescribed penalties and monetary fines imposed elsewhere in this chapter.
(f) Integrity of penalties imposed. – No person whose certification is suspended or revoked under this provision can perform any duties under any other certification issued under this chapter, during the period of the suspension imposed herein.
(g) Any party adversely affected by a final order or decision issued by the board hereunder is entitled to judicial review thereof pursuant to section four, article five, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code.