§4210. Transportation Facilities Fund
1. Fund established. The Transportation Facilities Fund, referred to in this section as the “fund,” is established as a nonlapsing fund through the Department of Administrative and Financial Services, Office of the State Controller as an internal service fund administered by the Department of Transportation.
[PL 2001, c. 83, Pt. C, §1 (NEW); PL 2003, c. 600, §4 (REV).]2. Fund services. Money deposited in the fund may include, but is not limited to, money transferred to the account from within the department, money received from the units within the department using the rental spaces provided by the fund and earnings by the fund from the Treasurer of State’s cash pool.
[PL 2001, c. 83, Pt. C, §1 (NEW).]3. Distribution from fund. Money distributed from the fund may be used for the purpose of purchasing, operating, maintaining, improving, repairing, constructing and managing buildings, including permanent storage facilities, garages and field office buildings, except for buildings and facilities under the supervision of the Department of Administrative and Financial Services, Bureau of General Services.
[PL 2001, c. 83, Pt. C, §1 (NEW).]4. Leased space. Use of the fund in order to lease space to the operating units of the department must comply with the rate schedule approved by the commissioner. Lease payments must provide for repair costs, operating costs, necessary capital investment, working capital for the fund and must be developed and levied in accordance with the provisions of Federal Office of Management and Budget Circular A-87 or its successor document.
[PL 2001, c. 83, Pt. C, §1 (NEW).]5. Budget. Upon recommendation of the State Budget Officer and approval by the Governor, prior legislatively authorized budgets within the department may be realigned to ensure adequate funding for projected lease payments. Within 10 days of any realignment of a prior legislatively authorized budget, the commissioner shall submit a written report that details the realignments to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over transportation matters. After realignment of the budgets, full and normal budgeting will occur for the fund in future years. Expenditures from the fund are subject to allocations that must be approved by the Legislature.
[PL 2001, c. 83, Pt. C, §1 (NEW).]SECTION HISTORY
PL 2001, c. 83, §C1 (NEW). PL 2003, c. 600, §4 (REV).