(1) The Board of the Arkansas Earthquake Authority shall adopt a plan of operation pursuant to this chapter and shall submit to the Insurance Commissioner for approval the plan of operation, including the Arkansas Earthquake Authority’s bylaws and operating rules and any amendments thereto necessary or suitable to assure the fair, reasonable, and equitable administration of the authority. The plan of operation shall become effective upon approval in writing by the commissioner.
(2) If the board fails to submit a suitable plan of operation within one hundred eighty (180) days after the appointment of the board or at any time thereafter fails to submit suitable amendments to the plan of operation, the commissioner shall adopt and promulgate such rules as are necessary or advisable to effectuate the provisions of this section. The rules shall continue in force until modified by the commissioner or superseded by a plan of operation submitted by the board and approved by the commissioner.
(b) The plan of operation shall:
(1) Establish procedures for operation of the authority;
(2) Create a fund under the management of the board to pay administrative costs, claims, and other expenses of the authority;
(3) Develop and implement a Market Assistance Program to assist insureds in procuring residential earthquake coverage in the voluntary market;
(4) Develop and implement a program to publicize the existence of the Market Assistance Program and the authority, the eligibility requirements, and procedures for enrollment, and to maintain public awareness of the Market Assistance Program and the authority;
(5) Establish procedures for the handling, accounting, and auditing of assets, moneys, and claims of the authority and the Executive Director of the Arkansas Earthquake Authority or the Plan Administrator of the Arkansas Earthquake Authority;
(6) Establish procedures for selecting either an executive director or a plan administrator in accordance with § 23-102-111;
(7) Establish procedures for issuance of policies;
(8) Establish procedures under which applicants and participants may have written grievances reviewed by a grievance committee appointed by the board. The grievances shall be reported to the board after completion of the review. The board shall retain all written complaints regarding the plan for at least three (3) years;
(9) Establish procedures to conduct necessary analyses at reasonable intervals to appropriately evaluate the Arkansas earthquake insurance market;
(10) Establish procedures and guidelines to prevent a company from transferring and causing to be transferred substantially all of its earthquake exposure to the authority unless the commissioner finds after notice and hearing that it is in the best interests of Arkansas citizens to allow such a practice; and
(11) Provide for other matters as may be necessary and proper for the execution of the board’s powers, duties, and obligations under this chapter.
(c) If the board finds after investigation conducted pursuant to subdivision (b)(9) of this section that there is sufficient availability and competition in the marketplace, the board shall request that the commissioner hold a public hearing to determine if it is in the best interest of Arkansas citizens to suspend operation of or dissolve the Market Assistance Program or the authority. If after the hearing the commissioner determines that there is sufficient availability and competition in the voluntary earthquake market and it is in the best interest of Arkansas citizens, the commissioner may:
(1) Suspend operations of the Market Assistance Program or the authority;
(2) Suspend policy issuance by the authority or any other operational component of the Market Assistance Program or the authority; or
(3) Dissolve the Market Assistance Program or the authority.