(a) This subchapter does not limit, abrogate, or supersede the jurisdiction of the Arkansas Public Service Commission, or any rule or order of the commission concerning pole attachments under § 23-4-1001 et seq., or any agreement of a public utility pole owner and attacher related to the rates, terms, and conditions for a pole attachment.
(b) This subchapter does not authorize:
(1) Any attachment or installation to or on an electric-cooperative-owned pole;
(2) Any attachment or installation within a nonpublic right-of-way acquired by an electric cooperative; or
(3) Use of an electric-cooperative-owned line, duct, conduit, similar structure, or equipment of any type.
(c) This subchapter does not authorize:
(1) Any attachment or installation to or on an investor-owned electric-utility-owned pole;
(2) Any attachment or installation within a nonpublic right-of-way acquired by an investor-owned electric public utility; or
(3) Use of an investor-owned electric-public-utility-owned line, duct, conduit, similar structure, or equipment of any type.