(a) No civil action may be brought or maintained by an employee against a private carrier or a third-party administrator, or any employee or agent of a private carrier or third-party administrator, who violates any provision of this chapter or Chapter 33 of this code.
(b) Any administrative fines or remedies provided in this chapter or Chapter 33 of this code or rules promulgated by the Insurance Commissioner are the exclusive civil remedies for any violation of this chapter committed by a private carrier or a third-party administrator or any agent or employee of a private carrier or a third-party administrator.
(c) Upon a determination by the Office of Judges, or by the Board of Review upon the termination of the Offices Judges, that a denial of compensability, a denial of an award of temporary total disability, or a denial of an authorization for medical benefits was unreasonable, reasonable attorneys fees and the costs actually incurred in the process of obtaining a reversal of the denial shall be awarded to the claimant and paid by the private carrier or self-insured employer which issued the unreasonable denial. A denial is unreasonable if, after submission by or on behalf of the claimant, of evidence of the compensability of the claim, the entitlement to temporary total disability benefits or medical benefits, the private carrier or self-insured employer is unable to demonstrate that it had evidence or a legal basis supported by legal authority at the time of the denial which is relevant and probative and supports the denial of the award or authorization. Payment of attorneys fees and costs awarded under this subsection will be made to the claimant at the conclusion of litigation, including all appeals, of the claimants protest of the denial.