(a) The courts of this state are vested with jurisdiction over every person not resident, domiciled, or authorized to do business in this state who files or is required to file a notice or statement with the Arkansas Public Service Commission as required by § 23-3-306 and over all actions involving such persons, and over all other persons acting on behalf or at the discretion of that person, including, without limitation, national or regional stock exchanges or securities brokers, their agents, servants, employees, representatives, account executives, and similar persons, with respect to actions arising out of violations of this subchapter.
(b) The commission shall be the agent for service of process for any such person, or other persons acting on behalf of that person, in any action, suit, or proceeding arising out of violations of this subchapter. Copies of all lawful process shall be served on the commission and transmitted by certified or registered mail, with return receipt requested, by the commission to any person subject to jurisdiction hereunder at his or her last known address.