(a) The State Procurement Director shall procure insurance or surety bonding in accordance with the Arkansas Procurement Law, § 19-11-201 et seq., unless the risk manager determines that it is in the best interest of the state for the director to procure insurance or surety bonding by negotiation, or for any state agency to procure all or part of its own insurance or surety bonding.
(b) When the Administrator of the Risk Management Division authorizes state agencies to procure insurance or surety bonding, the authorization shall be made in writing and approved by the Insurance Commissioner. The authorization may be made for, but not limited to, purchases not exceeding an amount established by rules, particular lines of insurance, and purchases by state agencies with a demonstrated expertise in the field of risk management.
(c) Upon approval of the risk manager and the director, a state agency may be authorized to procure insurance or surety bonding under emergency conditions. Emergency conditions exist when life, health, welfare, assets, or functional operations of an agency are or may be threatened or impaired.
(d) The director shall not have jurisdiction over the procurement of surety bonding or insurance coverage for state agencies except as provided by this subchapter.