(A) Prior to the approval of any application or request for appointment by an insurer or company to be added to the license obtained by an individual resident agent or producer who has had no previous appointments on his or her Arkansas license prior to this request, the insurer shall conduct or secure at its expense an investigation as to the applicant’s identity, residence, experience, or instruction as to the kinds of insurance to be transacted, and as to the agent’s or producer’s character, financial condition, and financial history.
(B) The Insurance Commissioner may accept a background check performed by the National Association of Securities Dealers for any required broker or producer background check required by this section.
(2) At a minimum, the investigation shall include the following information disclosed by the investigation:
(A) Whether the applicant has been convicted of a felony and, if so, the date and nature of the conviction, the name and location of the court, and the penalty imposed or other disposition of the case, for review in compliance with the provisions of § 23-66-502(c) and other applicable state or federal laws;
(B) Whether, at the time of the application, the agent or applicant is a named party in any lawsuit and, if so, the style of the lawsuit, a brief description of the litigation, and the name and location of the court;
(C) Whether a judgment for monetary damages has been entered against the applicant within the last five (5) years and, if so, the date of the judgment, the amount of the judgment, whether the judgment has been paid or otherwise satisfied, the name and location of the court, and the style of the case; and
(D) Such other information as the commissioner shall require.
(3) The forms and the requirements of this subsection shall not apply to:
(A) Any limited or restricted license as defined in § 23-64-502(7) or (9), any limited or restricted license that the commissioner may exempt, or any temporary license the commissioner may issue;
(B) Corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies, and partnerships licensed as insurance agencies under this chapter; and
(C) Any individual requesting a renewal license or requesting his or her second or subsequent insurer appointments added after the first-time license or appointment.
(b) The requirements for broker or producer background checks of subdivisions (a)(1) and (2) of this section shall apply to each first-time original license applicant for a resident broker’s or producer’s license in this state. However, those requirements shall not be required for any renewal broker’s or producer’s license, and all filings shall exclude appointment forms for first or renewal licenses for brokers or producers.