23-706. Use of special administration fund; transfer of monies
A. The department may use all or any part of the monies in the special administration fund:
1. To acquire suitable office space for the units of the department performing functions provided by this chapter by purchase, lease, contract or in any other manner, including the right to use the monies or any part of the monies to purchase land and erect on the land such buildings as it deems necessary, or to assist in financing the construction of any building erected by this state or any of its agencies in which available space will be provided for the units of the department performing functions provided by this chapter under lease or contract between the department and this state or the state agency.
2. In case of an administrative error by the department, to reimburse employers that have elected to make payments in lieu of contributions pursuant to section 23-750.
3. To pay for domestic violence prevention and cost-effectiveness study client services.
B. The department may transfer from the employment security administration fund to the special administration fund amounts not exceeding the amount of monies specifically available to the department for that purpose, equivalent to the fair, reasonable rental value of land and buildings acquired for the use of units of the department performing functions provided by this chapter until the full amount of the purchase price of the land and buildings and the cost of repair and maintenance of the land and buildings that was expended from the special administration fund has been returned to the special administration fund. The department may also transfer from the employment security administration fund to the special administration fund amounts not exceeding the amount of monies specifically available to the department for that purpose, equivalent to the fair, reasonable rental value of space used by the units of the department performing functions provided by this chapter in a building erected by this state or any of its agencies until the department’s proportionate amount of the purchase price of the building and the department’s proportionate amount of the costs of repair and maintenance of the building that was expended from the special administration fund has been returned to the special administration fund.
C. If the department deems the amount in the special administration fund to exceed future needs, the department may transfer all or a portion of the monies in the special administration fund to the unemployment compensation fund.
D. Expenditures or transfers from the special administration fund are subject to section 23-705.