This subchapter shall not apply to:
(1) Accidental injury insurance plans;
(2) Dental insurance plans;
(3) Vision insurance plans;
(4) Specified disease insurance plans;
(5) Disability income plans;
(6) Credit insurance plans;
(7) Insurance coverage issued as a supplement to liability insurance;
(8) Medical payments under automobile or homeowners insurance plans;
(9) Health benefit plans provided pursuant to Arkansas Constitution, Article 5, § 32, the Workers’ Compensation Law, § 11-9-101 et seq., and the Public Employee Workers’ Compensation Act, § 21-5-601 et seq.;
(10) Insurance under which benefits are payable with or without regard to fault and the benefits that are statutorily required to be contained in any liability policy or equivalent self-insurance; and
(11) Plans that provide only indemnity for hospital confinement.