(a) If any policy contains a provision establishing, as an age limit or otherwise, a date after which the coverage provided by the policy will not be effective and if the date falls within a period for which premium is accepted by the insurer or if the insurer accepts a premium after the date, the coverage provided by the policy will continue in force subject to any right of cancellation until the end of the period for which premium has been accepted. In the event the age of the insured has been misstated and if, according to the correct age of the insured, the coverage provided by the policy would not have become effective or would have ceased prior to the acceptance of the premium or premiums, then the liability of the insurer shall be limited to the refund, upon request, of all premiums paid for the period not covered by the policy.
(1) In any accident and health insurance contract that contains a provision whereby coverage of a dependent in a family group terminates at a specified age, there shall also be a provision that coverage of an unmarried dependent who is incapable of sustaining employment by reason of intellectual and developmental disability or physical disability, who became so incapacitated prior to the attainment of nineteen (19) years of age, and who is chiefly dependent upon the policyholder for support and maintenance shall not terminate, but coverage shall continue so long as the contract remains in force and so long as the dependent remains in such condition.
(2) At the request and expense of the insurer, proof of the incapacity or dependency must be furnished to the insurer by the policyholder, except in no event shall this requirement preclude eligible dependents under this section and §§ 23-85-104, 23-86-102, and 23-86-108, regardless of age.
(3) If the incapacity or dependency is thereafter removed or terminated, the policyholder shall so notify the insurer.