In all home rule cities and city and counties, the charters of which provide that officers, boards, or commissions named therein shall perform the acts and duties required of county officers by the state constitution or by general law, any deputy, employee, or appointee of such officer, board, or commission may administer any oath or affirmation which, by the state constitution or general law, might be administered by the county officer whose duties are performed by such officer, board, or commission making such appointment or employing such deputy, so long as such deputy, employee, or appointee is employed in such capacity.
Source: L. 35: p. 1113, § 1. CSA: C. 115, § 4. CRS 53: § 98-1-5. C.R.S. 1963: § 98-1-5.
Cross references: For constitutional provisions on home rule cities and towns, see art. XX, Colo. Const.