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  1. (a) The general financial objective of each Arkansas public employee retirement plan shall be to establish and receive contributions that, expressed as percentages of active member payroll, will remain approximately level from generation to generation of state citizens. More specifically, contributions received each year shall be sufficient both:

    1. (1) To fully cover the costs of benefit commitments being made to members for their service being rendered in that year; and

    2. (2)

      1. (A) To make a level payment that if paid annually over a reasonable period of future years will fully cover the unfunded costs of benefit commitments for service previously rendered.

      2. (B) Alternatively, if the costs of benefit commitments for service previously rendered are overfunded, the plan may deduct a level payment that if deducted annually over a reasonable period of future years will fully liquidate the overfunded portion of such costs.

  2. (b) Each state public employee retirement plan shall cause an actuarial valuation of the plan or fund to be made at least biennially, and preferably annually, to determine how well the plan is meeting the objectives set forth in subsection (a) of this section.

  3. (c) The employer contribution rates to the retirement systems shall be as follows:

    1. (1)

      1. (A) For the Arkansas Teacher Retirement System, the Board of Trustees of the Arkansas Teacher Retirement System shall establish employer contribution rates prospectively each year.

      2. (B) The employer contribution rates shall be based on the actuary’s determination of the rate required to fund the plan as necessary to meet the general financial objective set forth in subsection (a) of this section.

      3. (C) The employer contribution rates shall be the rates determined by the Board of Trustees of the Arkansas Teacher Retirement System under § 24-7-401(c) and based on the annual actuarial valuation of the Arkansas Teacher Retirement System;

    2. (2) For the State Police Retirement System, twenty-two percent (22%); and

    3. (3)

      1. (A) For the Arkansas Public Employees’ Retirement System, the Board of Trustees of the Arkansas Public Employees’ Retirement System shall establish employer contribution rates prospectively each year, and the rates shall be based on the actuary’s determination of the rate required to fund the plan in accordance with the objectives set forth in subsection (a) of this section.

      2. (B) The employer contribution rates shall be the rates determined by the annual actuarial valuation.

  4. (d) Subsection (c) of this section shall not be construed as affecting in any way the existing methods of determining the years of credited service for computing benefits or determining retirement eligibility.