As used in this part 3, unless the context otherwise requires:
- “Applicant” means any person seeking certification to serve as a peace officer or a reserve peace officer.
(1.5) “Basic training” means the basic law enforcement training received by a peace officer at any approved law enforcement training academy.
- “Certification” means the issuance to an applicant of a signed instrument evidencing that such applicant has met the requirements imposed by this part 3 and the P.O.S.T. board. Certification includes “basic certification” and “provisional certification” that shall be issued to peace officers, “reserve certification” that shall be issued to reserve peace officers, and such additional certifications as the board may approve for peace officers.
- (Deleted by amendment, L . 94, p. 1725, § 3, effective May 31, 1994.) (3.5) Repealed.
- “Local government representative” means a member of a board of county commissioners, member of a city or town council or board of trustees, or mayor of a city or town or city and county.
- “Peace officer” means any person described in section 16-2.5-101, C.R.S., and who has not been convicted of a felony or convicted on or after July 1, 2001, of any misdemeanor as described in section 24-31-305 (1.5), or released or discharged from the armed forces of the United States under dishonorable conditions.
(5.5) “Reserve peace officer” means any person described in section 16-2.5-110, C.R.S., and who has not been convicted of a felony or convicted on or after July 1, 2001, of any misdemeanor as described in section 24-31-305 (1.5), or released or discharged from the armed forces of the United States under dishonorable conditions.
- “Training academy” means any school approved by the P.O.S.T. board where peace officers and reserve peace officers receive instruction and training.
- “Training program” means a course of instruction approved by the P.O.S.T. board for peace officer or reserve peace officer certification and other peace officer training programs.
Source: L. 92: Entire part added, p. 1091, § 3, effective March 6. L. 94: Entire section amended, p. 1725, § 3, effective May 31. L. 96: (5) amended, pp. 1349, 1477, §§ 1, 42, effective June 1. L. 98: (2) and (5) amended, p. 749, § 1, effective May 22. L. 2003: (5) and (5.5) amended, p. 1619, § 29, effective August 6. L. 2005: (2), (5), (5.5), and (7) amended and (3.5) added, p. 112, § 1, effective August 8. L. 2012: (2) amended and (3.5) repealed, (HB 12-1163), ch. 50, p. 182, § 1, effective August 8.