- The DPS plan shall continue to govern the benefits and programs specified in such plan through December 31, 2009. On January 1, 2010, the DPS plan shall be superseded by the provisions of this article except to the extent that it is necessary to refer to the DPS plan for the correction of errors and as it may be incorporated by reference in this article.
- On January 1, 2010, all the assets, liabilities, and obligations of the Denver public schools retirement system shall become the assets, liabilities, and obligations of the Denver public schools division of the association without any further act or document of transfer.
- On January 1, 2010, notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (2) of this section, the Denver public schools retirement system or the association, or both, may take such actions and execute such certifications or other instruments as may be convenient to evidence the consummation of the merger of the two systems, its effective date, and the assets or any particular asset transferred. Any such certification or other instrument purportedly executed by an authorized officer of either system and bearing the seal of such system shall be prima facie evidence of all matters stated in the certification or instrument and may be relied upon by any third party, without further inquiry, including, without limitation, any public trustee or other public official of this or any other state or local government. If any certification or other instrument is recorded in the appropriate real estate records in this or any other state or local government, a copy of the certification or instrument, when duly certified by the custodian of the real estate records to be a true copy of the recorded original, shall have the same effect as the original.
- The value of assets transferred as of January 1, 2010, as reflected in the audited financial report effective December 31, 2009, shall determine the initial asset value in the Denver public schools division trust fund for purposes of the initial and future valuations and the proportionate share of the total assets of the association attributable to the Denver public schools division. In the event that the audited value is adjudicated by a court of competent jurisdiction to be in error such that the true value on the date of transfer was different than reflected in the audited financials, an adjustment shall be made to the initial asset value of the Denver public schools division and appropriate adjustments made to the proportionate share of investment returns and expenses of the association attributed to the Denver public schools division. No adjustment to the starting asset value of the Denver public schools division shall result from a change in value after January 1, 2010, of the assets transferred. For purposes of this subsection (4), the Denver public schools retirement system real estate and private equity holdings shall be valued and audited as of December 31, 2009, and the directly owned real estate of the association shall be appraised for evaluation as of December 31, 2009.
- Prior legislative attempts to accomplish the merger of the Denver public schools retirement system into the school division of the Colorado public employees’ retirement association with agreement among the three parties have proven unsuccessful notwithstanding substantial expenditures of time and money by the parties. The reasons for such lack of success include the methodology involved in the determination and allocation of the costs of a merger in order to avoid any subsidy to either merging party as a result of the merger. To avoid these problems and to obtain the public policy benefits of a merger, this section mandates the merger without any requirement of agreement among the parties and implements it through the creation of a separate division within the association. Notwithstanding such mandate, the successful integration of the Denver public schools retirement system into the association while maintaining a continuing high level of service to the members and beneficiaries of both systems has required and will continue to require the cooperation and best efforts of the governing bodies and staffs of the Denver public schools retirement system, the association, and the Denver public schools. In the course of the merger, the parties shall observe the fiduciary duties and legal obligations incident to their respective offices, positions, and employments, which duties and obligations may not always be entirely clear or easily accomplished. Therefore, to secure the public policy objectives incident to the merger and its successful implementation in the most efficient way feasible, so long as such governing bodies and staffs act or have acted in good faith and in accordance with a good faith interpretation of the requirements of this section and other applicable law, they shall be deemed to have fulfilled their fiduciary duties and other legal obligations. In addition, such governing bodies and staffs shall have no personal liability for their acts or omissions incident to the implementation of the merger, including all activities reasonably related thereto. Any person who contends otherwise shall bear the burden of proving that any act or omission challenged does not meet the requirements of good faith.
- It is the intent of this part 17 to achieve the mandated merger and to facilitate its implementation, thereby providing portability of the benefits of the members of the Denver public schools retirement system and the association. In addition, this part 17 is intended to pursue efficiencies in the administration of the benefits of members and beneficiaries of the Denver public schools retirement system and in the investment of moneys being transferred to the association and later accruing to it through employer and employee contributions, all in accord with changing conditions. The provisions of this part 17 and the benefit provisions for members and beneficiaries to be provided following the merger shall be interpreted and administered to attempt to further those objectives, and if pursued reasonably and in good faith shall be deemed to comply with applicable legal and fiduciary requirements. Any person who contends otherwise shall bear the burden of proving that any act or omission challenged does not meet all legal requirements applicable in the circumstances.
- On January 1, 2010, the separate existence of the Denver public schools retirement system shall cease, and the terms of its trustees shall expire. In addition, the employment of its employees shall cease, subject to section 24-51-1748, providing for their employment by the association. Any claims against such trustees, former trustees, employees, or former employees in their respective capacities shall be commenced within such periods of limitation and shall be subject to such other provisions as may be provided by law, but in no case shall such an action be brought more than two years after January 1, 2010. Any claims relating to the merger and made against the trustees, former trustees, employees, or former employees of the association in their respective capacities, and any claims relating to the merger and made against members or former members of the board of education or employees or former employees of the school district in their respective capacities shall be commenced within such periods of limitation and shall be subject to such other provisions as may be provided by law, but in no case shall such an action be brought more than two years after January 1, 2010.
Source: L. 2009: Entire part added, (SB 09-282), ch. 288, p. 1359, § 56, effective May 21.