- The general assembly hereby finds, determines, and declares that:
- The mechanism through which the general assembly commonly authorizes state agencies to spend moneys, the appropriation clause, has remained essentially unchanged for over a century;
- The typical appropriation clause employed prior to the 2015 regular legislative session features certain stock phrases that make ascertaining essential information more difficult;
- Legislation should, whenever possible, be written clearly and concisely; and
- It is therefore the intent of the general assembly, in enacting this section:
- To enhance comprehensibility of appropriation clauses by omitting the identified phrases formerly used in standard appropriation clauses; and
- To continue undisturbed the operation and legal effect of these phrases by codifying versions of them in a statute of general applicability.
- A state agency is only required to spend so much of the appropriation as may be necessary.
- Unless the context otherwise requires, and regardless of whether the law is statutory or noncodified, the following provisions apply to an appropriation made in a duly enacted law of the state:
(I) The appropriation is made in addition to any other appropriation;
(II) The appropriation is made from moneys that are not otherwise appropriated; and
- As used in any appropriation clause, “C.R.S.” means the Colorado Revised Statutes.
- Unless the context otherwise requires, and regardless of whether the law is statutory or noncodified, the following provisions apply to an appropriation made in a duly enacted law of the state:
- This section applies to legislation enacted on or after January 1, 2015.
Source: L. 2015: Entire section added, (SB 15-098), ch. 2, p. 2, § 1, effective February 25.