- The controller may, in writing, authorize any department, institution, or agency of the state government to withdraw from any moneys in the state treasury available to it such amount as he may specify, to be used as an imprest cash account.
- Under procedures prescribed by the controller, such department, institution, or agency may pay out of said imprest cash account, locally, such operating expense items as would be allowable if submitted on a regular voucher. The aggregate amount of such payments shall be submitted to the office of the state controller, monthly or more often, on a voucher signed by the fiscal officer of such department, institution, or agency or by some person authorized to act for him or her, and, upon approval of the same, a warrant or check in said amount shall be drawn upon the state treasurer for replenishment of said imprest cash account.
Source: L. 49: p. 679, § 3. CSA: C. 153, § 78. CRS 53: § 130-4-2. L. 63: p. 903, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 130-4-2. L. 65: p. 1066, § 1. L. 71: p. 100, § 2. L. 2010: (2) amended, (HB 10-1181), ch. 351, p. 1631, § 31, effective June 7. L. 2014: (2) amended, (HB 14-1391), ch. 328, p. 1455, § 16, effective June 5.