- The department, upon its own motion or upon the complaint of any person, may make any and all investigations necessary to ensure compliance with this part 18.
- The department shall have the right of access, at any reasonable time, during regular working hours and at other times during which activity is evident, to any premises for the purpose of any examination or inspection necessary to enforce any of the provisions of this part 18 or the rules or standards adopted thereunder.
- Complaints of record made to the department and the results of the department’s investigations may, in the discretion of the department, be closed to public inspection, except to the person in interest, as defined in section 24-72-202 (4), C.R.S., or as provided by court order, during the investigatory period and until dismissed or until notice of hearing and charges are served on the person in interest.
- The department shall have full authority to administer oaths and take statements, to issue subpoenas requiring the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, memoranda, papers, and other documents, articles, or instruments, and to compel the disclosure by such witnesses of all facts known to them relative to the matters under investigation.
- Upon failure or refusal of any witness to obey any subpoena, the department may petition the district court, and, upon a proper showing, the court may enter an order compelling the witness to appear and testify or produce documentary evidence. Failure to obey such an order of the court shall be punishable as a contempt of court.
Source: L. 97: Entire part added, p. 86, § 1, effective July 1.