- Each public and private middle school, junior high school, and high school shall require each coach of a youth athletic activity that involves interscholastic play to complete an annual concussion recognition education course.
- Each private club or public recreation facility and each athletic league that sponsors youth athletic activities shall require each volunteer coach for a youth athletic activity and each coach with whom the club, facility, or league directly contracts, formally engages, or employs who coaches a youth athletic activity to complete an annual concussion recognition education course.
- The concussion recognition education course required by subsection (1) of this section shall include the following:
- Information on how to recognize the signs and symptoms of a concussion;
- The necessity of obtaining proper medical attention for a person suspected of having a concussion; and
- Information on the nature and risk of concussions, including the danger of continuing to play after sustaining a concussion and the proper method of allowing a youth athlete who has sustained a concussion to return to athletic activity.
- An organization or association of which a school or school district is a member may designate specific education courses as sufficient to meet the requirements of subsection (1) of this section.
- The concussion recognition education course required by subsection (1) of this section shall include the following:
- If a coach who is required to complete concussion recognition education pursuant to subsection (1) of this section suspects that a youth athlete has sustained a concussion following an observed or suspected blow to the head or body in a game, competition, or practice, the coach shall immediately remove the athlete from the game, competition, or practice.
- If a youth athlete is removed from play pursuant to subsection (3) of this section and the signs and symptoms cannot be readily explained by a condition other than concussion, the school coach or private or public recreational facility’s designated personnel shall notify the athlete’s parent or legal guardian and shall not permit the youth athlete to return to play or participate in any supervised team activities involving physical exertion, including games, competitions, or practices, until he or she is evaluated by a health-care provider and receives written clearance to return to play from the health-care provider. The health-care provider evaluating a youth athlete suspected of having a concussion or brain injury may be a volunteer.
- Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of this subsection (4), a doctor of chiropractic with training and specialization in concussion evaluation and management may evaluate and provide clearance to return to play for an athlete who is part of the United States Olympic training program.
- After a concussed athlete has been evaluated and received clearance to return to play from a health-care provider, an organization or association of which a school or school district is a member, a private or public school, a private club, a public recreation facility, or an athletic league may allow a licensed athletic trainer with specific knowledge of the athlete’s condition to manage the athlete’s graduated return to play.
- Nothing in this article abrogates or limits the protections applicable to public entities and public employees pursuant to the “Colorado Governmental Immunity Act”, article 10 of title 24, C.R.S.; volunteers and board members pursuant to sections 13-21-115.7 and 13-21-116, C.R.S.; or ski area operators pursuant to sections 33-44-112 and 33-44-113, C.R.S.
Source: L. 2011: Entire article added, (SB 11-040), ch. 67, p. 177, § 1, effective January 1, 2012. L. 2019: (4)(c) amended, (HB 19-1083), ch. 61, p. 220, § 13, effective August 2.