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Home » US Law » 2022 Colorado Code » Title 25 - Public Health and Environment » Article 44 - Comprehensive Human Sexuality Education Grant Program » § 25-44-103. Comprehensive Human Sexuality Education Grant Program – Oversight Entity – Duties – Application Process
  1. On or before July 1, 2019, the department shall convene the interagency youth sexual health team, referred to in this article 44 as the “oversight entity”. Membership of the oversight entity must include:
    1. The executive director of the department of public health and environment, or the executive director’s designee;
    2. The executive director of the department of health care policy and financing, or the executive director’s designee;
    3. The commissioner of education, or the commissioner’s designee;
    4. The executive director of the department of human services, or the executive director’s designee;
    5. A parent representative;
    6. A youth representative;
    7. A representative of kindergarten through twelfth-grade educators;
    8. A representative of school-based health centers or a school nurse;
    9. A representative of a statewide coalition for survivors of sexual assault;
    10. A representative of an organization serving the needs of youth of color;
    11. A representative of an organization serving the needs of immigrants;
    12. A representative of an organization serving the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth;
    13. A representative from an interfaith organization; and
    14. A representative of an organization serving the needs of intersex individuals.

    (1.5) The members specified in subsections (1)(e) to (1)(n) of this section shall be appointed by the department. The membership of the oversight entity shall at all times represent diverse community perspective and make an effort to include committee members who are diverse with regards to disability, race, creed, color, gender, gender expression, immigration status, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, marital status, religion, age, English proficiency, income, and geographic region of the state, including both urban and rural areas.

    (1.7) The parent representative and youth representative described in subsections (1)(e) and (1)(f) of this section are entitled to receive reimbursement for necessary expenses incurred in the performance of the member’s duties, including dependent or attendant care.

  2. The oversight entity has the following duties:
    1. During the 2019-20 academic year and every academic year thereafter, to assess opportunities for available federal and state money for the program; except that the oversight entity shall not recommend applying for any federal or state money that promotes sexual abstinence as the sole acceptable preventive method for youth or money requiring adherence to the guidelines of section 510 of Title V of the federal “Social Security Act”, 42 U.S.C. sec. 710, as amended, which are inconsistent with the provisions of section 22-1-128. The oversight entity shall provide information to the appropriate state departments concerning available federal and state money related to comprehensive human sexuality education for which a given department is eligible to apply.
    2. To develop policies and procedures for the implementation of the program and recommend such policies and procedures to the state board for adoption by rule pursuant to section 25-44-102. The policies and procedures must include but are not limited to:
      1. A process by which public schools and school districts are notified of available program money for comprehensive human sexuality education;
      2. The procedures by which public schools and school districts may apply for grants pursuant to this article 44. Each grant application must, at a minimum, describe:
        1. How the applicant public school or school district must use any awarded grant money to provide comprehensive human sexuality education to its student population;
        2. How the proposed comprehensive human sexuality education program complies with the content requirements of section 22-1-128 and article 25 of title 22 and is medically accurate, culturally sensitive, and represents positive youth development principles;
        3. How many students the public school or school district expects to reach through the comprehensive human sexuality education program;
        4. The length of time for which the applicant is requesting grant money; and
        5. Demonstrated evidence of the need for money needed for an applicant school district or public school to implement comprehensive human sexuality education pursuant to section 22-1-128;
      3. Criteria for the oversight entity to apply in selecting public schools and school districts that may receive grants and how to determine the amount of grant money to be awarded to each grant recipient. The criteria must include a requirement that the proposed comprehensive human sexuality education program complies with sections 22-1-128 and 22-25-104 and is medically accurate, culturally sensitive, and represents positive youth development principles. The criteria must also include a requirement that rural public schools or public schools that do not currently offer comprehensive human sexuality education receive priority when selecting grant recipients.
    3. In conjunction with the department, to solicit grant applications from public schools and school districts; and
    4. To review grant applications and, based on the criteria developed pursuant to subsection (2)(b) of this section, make recommendations to the department concerning which public schools or school districts should receive grants and in what amount.

Source: L. 2013: Entire article added, (HB 13-1081), ch. 303, p. 1609, § 3, effective May 28. L. 2019: Entire section amended, (HB 19-1032), ch. 408, p. 3601, § 5, effective May 31.

Cross references: For the legislative declaration in HB 19-1032, see section 1 of chapter 408, Session Laws of Colorado 2019.