- In order to receive a prescription for medical aid-in-dying medication pursuant to this article, an individual who satisfies the requirements in section 25-48-103 must make two oral requests, separated by at least fifteen days, and a valid written request to his or her attending physician.
- To be valid, a written request for medical aid-in-dying medication must be:
- Substantially in the same form as set forth in section 25-48-112;
- Signed and dated by the individual seeking the medical aid-in-dying medication; and
- Witnessed by at least two individuals who, in the presence of the individual, attest to the best of their knowledge and belief that the individual is:
- Mentally capable;
- Acting voluntarily; and
- Not being coerced to sign the request.
- Of the two witnesses to the written request, at least one must not be:
- Related to the individual by blood, marriage, civil union, or adoption;
- An individual who, at the time the request is signed, is entitled, under a will or by operation of law, to any portion of the individual’s estate upon his or her death; or
- An owner, operator, or employee of a health-care facility where the individual is receiving medical treatment or is a resident.
- Neither the individual’s attending physician nor a person authorized as the individual’s qualified power of attorney or durable medical power of attorney shall serve as a witness to the written request.
- To be valid, a written request for medical aid-in-dying medication must be:
Source: Initiated 2016: Entire article added, Proposition 106, L. 2017, p. 2805 , § 1, effective upon proclamation of the Governor, December 16, 2016.