(a) The Division of Corrections shall promulgate operational procedures and policies for the program which shall require that the pilot program be established at one site, which site shall then be under the control and authority of the Division of Corrections. The program shall consist of all of the following for each eligible offender whom the division permits to serve his or her sentence as a sentence to boot camp:
(1) A period of imprisonment at the boot camp of not more than twelve months which period of imprisonment shall consist of a military style combination of discipline, physical training and physical labor, substance abuse education, employment skills training, social skills training, and psychological evaluation and treatment. Additionally, the state Board of Education and State Superintendent of Schools, pursuant to section five, article twenty, chapter eighteen of this code, respectively, may, as funds are available, establish an education program for those eligible offenders who are not recipients of a high school diploma or a certificate of high school equivalence.