- Regional wastewater management plans which include plans known for purposes of the federal act as “208 plans” may be developed by designated planning agencies or by the state for nondesignated areas or for statewide purposes.
- Before submitting a proposed plan or amendment to the division, the designated planning agency shall hold a hearing on the proposed plan or amendment.
- The division shall consider any proposed plan or amendment developed by the state.
- Notice of a hearing to be held pursuant to this subsection (1) shall be given by at least one publication in a newspaper of general distribution in the area of the proposed plan, and actual notice shall be given to anyone requesting such notice. Such notice shall advise of the opportunity for interested persons to appear and submit written or oral comments on the proposed plan or amendment. The agency holding the hearing shall receive and consider all comments submitted on the proposed plan or amendment.
- Each regional wastewater management plan and each amendment to such a plan must be either developed or reviewed by the division.
- The commission, after notice and hearing, shall approve or reject proposed regional wastewater management plans and amendments thereto. The commission shall approve, conditionally approve, or reject a plan or an amendment developed by a management or planning agency within one hundred eighty days after submittal of the plan or amendment by the management or planning agency to the division. Only those portions of a regional wastewater management plan which are adopted as a regulation by the commission pursuant to section 24-4-103, C.R.S., shall be binding on regulatory decisions, including, but not limited to, site approvals, construction grants, or point or nonpoint source control decisions. Only those plans or portions thereof which are adopted by the commission as regulations shall be binding for purposes of any federal law, regulation, or action.
- Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of this subsection (3), the commission may delegate to the division the authority to approve, conditionally approve, or reject nonrule-making amendments to regional wastewater management plans. If the commission delegates such authority, the division shall give notice of its decision on an amendment to the commission and to anyone who has requested notice of amendments to the affected plan. Notice of such decision shall also be included on the next commission agenda. Upon a request by any affected person, the commission shall review the division’s decision. The decision of the division shall be final within forty-five days after agenda notice of the decision has been given unless review is requested by an affected person.
- The governor may certify to the federal environmental protection agency a regional wastewater management plan or an amendment thereto which has been approved by the commission or an amendment thereto which has become final after approval by the division. The governor may designate planning agencies for the purposes of the federal act.
Source: L. 81: Entire article R&RE, p. 1313, § 1, effective July 1. L. 88: (3)(a) amended, p. 1019, § 1, effective July 1.