- Each authority member, through its designated director or designated alternate acting in the director’s place, shall be entitled to one vote.
- Board action upon proposed waste load allocations, site location or site plans selected pursuant to section 25-8-702, discharge permits secured pursuant to section 25-8-501, amendments to the authority’s wastewater management plan, and all budget and funding decisions shall require an affirmative vote of a majority of all authority members. Any vote by the special district member on such board action shall reflect the majority of the represented special districts.
- All decisions of the board not enumerated in subsection (2) of this section shall be made and decided by a majority of the quorum. A quorum requires that at least fifty percent of all authority members be present.
- A director shall disqualify himself from voting on any issue in which he has a conflict of interest unless such director has disclosed such conflict of interest in compliance with section 18-8-308, C.R.S., in which case such disclosure shall cure the conflict. A director shall abstain from voting if the director would obtain a personal financial gain from the contract or services being voted upon by the authority.
- Notwithstanding subsection (2) of this section, any vote regarding a change in the levy and collection of ad valorem taxes pursuant to section 25-8.5-111 (1)(p)(I) shall be limited to authority members representing municipalities or counties within the authority’s boundaries.
Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 1033, § 1, effective April 28. L. 2001: (2) and (3) amended and (5) added, p. 897, § 3, effective August 8.