As used in this part 8, unless the context otherwise requires:
- “Administrator” or “storm water management system administrator” means a nonprofit entity designated by the division to conduct the activities required under this part 8.
- “Advisory board” means an oversight group, established as a required element within each storm water management system administrator’s program, that is made up of volunteers representing industry sector stakeholders active in the program, including nonprofit administrator representatives, participants, participating MS4s, and third-party auditors. While acting in the capacity of a board of directors, the advisory board has the authority to establish all program policies and procedures, collect and maintain program records, compile annual participant performance summary reports, and take all necessary actions to maintain the department’s designation of the administrator.
- “CDPS” means the Colorado discharge permit system.
- “CDPS MS4 permit” means a CDPS permit for storm water discharges associated with an MS4.
- “CDPS storm water construction permit” means a CDPS permit for storm water discharges associated with construction activities.
- “MS4” means a municipal separate storm sewer system.
- “MS4 permittee” means a governmental entity with a CDPS permit for storm water discharges associated with an MS4.
- “Participant” means a person that is required to obtain a CDPS storm water construction permit from the division and that volunteers to participate in a storm water management system program administered by a storm water management system administrator.
- “SWMP” means a storm water management plan as defined in the CDPS permit for storm water discharges associated with construction activities.
- “Third-party auditor” means a person who meets the professional qualifications defined in the administrator’s written program and who operates independently from, and is not an employee of, any participant or MS4 in the administrator’s program.
Source: L. 2011: Entire part added, (HB 11-1026), ch. 159, p. 546, § 1, effective August 10.