- MS4 permittees may choose to work with any administrator to assist the MS4 permittee in complying with the terms and conditions of the MS4 permittee’s CDPS MS4 permit. An MS4 permittee may utilize all, or portions of, the storm water management system administrator’s program as part of the MS4 permittee’s program for oversight of construction sites to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the MS4 permittee’s CDPS permit for storm water discharges associated with an MS4.
- The division may consider third-party audits conducted pursuant to a storm water management system administrator’s program to be part of the MS4 permittee’s compliance oversight program required by its CDPS MS4 permit if the MS4 permittee formally utilizes the storm water management system administrator’s program that conducted the audit, and the MS4 permittee implements procedures to demonstrate and report to the division, upon division request, that the administrator’s program is meeting the requirements for third-party audits in section 25-8-802 (1) and (3) for participant construction activities located within the jurisdiction of the MS4 permittee.
- An MS4 permittee may reduce compliance oversight activities for facilities authorized to discharge under a CDPS storm water construction permit that are operated by participants in a storm water management system administrator’s program based on a determination by the MS4 permittee that the participants or participant facilities have a demonstrated record of reduced potential for occurrences of noncompliance and reduced risk of negative impacts on receiving waters. This part 8 does not prohibit or restrict any compliance oversight, including inspections, by an MS4 permittee.
- Modification of the MS4 permittee’s program is subject to division approval in accordance with the requirements of the applicable CDPS MS4 permit.
- An MS4 permittee’s use of a storm water management system administrator’s program is strictly voluntary, and an MS4 permittee may end its use of the program at any time upon written notice to the administrator.
- Nothing in this part 8 grants regulatory authority to a storm water management system administrator or the authority to impose any fine.
- Nothing in this part 8 preempts or supersedes any authority of an MS4 permittee or any other local agency.
- Nothing in this part 8 removes, reduces, or transfers the responsibility for compliance with an MS4 permit from the MS4 permittee.
Source: L. 2011: Entire part added, (HB 11-1026), ch. 159, p. 549, § 1, effective August 10.