250.21 Workplace wellness program grants.
(1) Definitions. In this section:
(a) “Health risk assessment” means a computer-based health-promotion tool consisting of a questionnaire; a biometric health screening to measure vital health statistics, including blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, weight, and height; a formula for estimating health risks; an advice database; and a means to generate reports.
(b) “Small business” means a business that has 50 or fewer employees.
(c) “Workplace wellness program” means a health or fitness program that includes health risk assessments and one or more of the following programs or services:
1. Chronic disease prevention.
2. Weight management.
3. Stress management.
4. Worker injury prevention programs.
5. Health screenings.
6. Nutrition education.
7. Health or fitness incentive programs.
8. Vaccinations.
9. Employee physical examinations.
(2) Workplace wellness program grants. Subject to the limitations provided under sub. (3) and after the department’s approval of the application, from the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (1) (bn), the department shall award a grant to each applicant who provides a workplace wellness program to any of the applicant’s employees who are employed at a small business in this state in an amount not to exceed 30 percent of the amount that the applicant paid during the year to provide such a program, not including any amount paid to acquire, construct, rehabilitate, remodel, or repair real property.
(3) Limitations. The maximum amount of the grants that may be awarded to all applicants in any fiscal year is $3,000,000. No applicant may be awarded a grant under this section for a workplace wellness program in existence before March 15, 2014. No applicant may be awarded more than one grant under this section. No grants may be awarded under this section after December 31, 2018.
(4) Administration. A person wishing to receive a grant under this section shall apply for a grant in the manner prescribed by the department. An applicant shall include with the application an itemized list of the applicant’s expenditures for providing a workplace wellness program. The department shall promulgate rules to administer this section.
History: 2013 a. 137.