Compensation, known as continuous income benefits, shall be paid for permanent total disability, provided such disability is a consequence of the injury and ensues within 4 years thereof. Continuous income benefits shall be equal to 66⅔ percent of the employee’s weekly wage rate at the time of injury, the rate of compensation not to exceed 90 percent of the average weekly wage rate, and shall be paid during the continuance of such disability lapsing upon the death of the recipient. Permanent total disability shall be considered to be total and permanent loss of vision in both eyes, the loss of both feet at or above the ankle, the loss of both hands at or above the wrists, the loss of one hand and one foot or one arm and one leg, or both arms or both legs. Permanent total disability shall also include such other injuries as result in the total and permanent disability of the person to perform any kind of labor in remunerative occupations as determined by the Administrator.