(a) After an injury, the employee shall, as frequently and at such times and places as may be reasonably required, submit himself to examination by such doctor as the Administrator may designate. The employee may have his own doctor present at all such examinations at employee’s expense. If any employee refuses to submit to an examination, his right to claim compensation under this chapter shall be suspended until such refusal ceases.
- If an injured worker delays submission to treatment and/or examination without just cause, the Administrator shall disallow compensation for the period involved.
(b) Upon application of the employer or duly authorized agent, or someone in behalf of the deceased employee, and for reasonable cause shown, the Administrator may order an autopsy of the body of a deceased employee by a duly registered physician in order to determine the cause of death. In the event the beneficiary of the deceased or anyone for him refuses an autopsy so ordered no compensation shall be paid for the death of such employee.