§628. Equal pay
An employer may not discriminate between employees in the same establishment on the basis of sex by paying wages to any employee in any occupation in this State at a rate less than the rate at which the employer pays any employee of the opposite sex for comparable work on jobs that have comparable requirements relating to skill, effort and responsibility. Differentials that are paid pursuant to established seniority systems or merit increase systems or difference in the shift or time of the day worked that do not discriminate on the basis of sex are not within this prohibition. An employer may not discharge or discriminate against any employee by reason of any action taken by such employee to invoke or assist in any manner the enforcement of this section. An employer may not prohibit an employee from disclosing the employee’s own wages or from inquiring about or disclosing another employee’s wages if the purpose of the disclosure or inquiry is to enforce the rights granted by this section. Nothing in this section creates an obligation to disclose wages. [PL 2019, c. 35, §3 (AMD).]
The Department of Labor shall annually report to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over labor matters on progress made in the State to comply with this section. The report must be issued annually on Equal Pay Day as designated pursuant to Title 1, section 145. [PL 2003, c. 688, Pt. B, §7 (AMD).]
PL 1965, c. 150 (AMD). PL 1983, c. 652, §4 (AMD). PL 2001, c. 304, §2 (AMD). PL 2003, c. 688, §B7 (AMD). PL 2009, c. 29, §1 (AMD). PL 2019, c. 35, §3 (AMD).