- Executive director rules shall be solely within the province of the executive director and shall include the following:
- Rules governing matters of internal administration in the state department, including organization, staffing, records, reports, systems, and procedures, and also governing fiscal and personnel administration for the state department and establishing accounting and fiscal reporting rules for disbursement of federal funds, contingency funds, and proration of available appropriations except those determinations precluded by authority granted to the state board.
- (Deleted by amendment, L. 97, p. 1183 , 3, effective July 1, 1997.)
- (Deleted by amendment, L. 93, p. 1110 , 23, effective July 1, 1994.)
(1.5) (Deleted by amendment, L. 97, p. 1183 , 3, effective July 1, 1997.)
- (1.7) (a) The executive director shall have authority to adopt “executive director rules” for programs administered and services provided by the state department as set forth in this title and in title 27, C.R.S. Such rules shall be promulgated in accordance with the provisions of section 24-4-103 , C.R.S.
- Any rules adopted by the state board to implement the provisions of this title or title 27, C.R.S., prior to March 25, 2009, whose content meets the definition of “executive director rules” shall continue to be effective until revised, amended, or repealed by the executive director.
(1.8) Whenever a statutory grant of rule-making authority in this title or title 27, C.R.S., refers to the state department or the department of human services, it shall mean the state department acting through either the state board or the executive director or both. When exercising rule-making authority under this title or title 27, C.R.S., the state department, either acting through the state board or the executive director, shall establish rules consistent with the powers and the distinction between “board rules” as set forth in section 26-1-107 and “executive director rules” as set forth in this section.
- The rules issued by the executive director pertaining to this title shall be binding upon the several county departments, providers, vendors, and agents of the state department. At any public hearing relating to a proposed rule making, interested persons shall have the right to present their data, views, or arguments orally. Proposed rules of the executive director shall be subject to the provisions of section 24-4-103, C.R.S.
- (Deleted by amendment, L. 93, p. 1109 , 23, effective July 1, 1994.)
Source: L. 73: R&RE, p. 1162, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 119-1-7. L. 76: (1)(c)(V) added, p. 664, § 1, effective April 30. L. 79: (1)(a) amended, p. 1089, § 1, effective June 7. L. 93: Entire section amended, p. 1110, § 23, effective July 1, 1994. L. 94: (1)(a) and (2) amended, p. 2611, § 14, effective July 1. L. 97: Entire section amended, p. 1183, § 3, effective July 1. L. 2009: Entire section amended, (SB 09-044), ch. 57, p. 205, § 4, effective March 25.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 1993 act amending this section, see section 1 of chapter 230, Session Laws of Colorado 1993; for the legislative declaration contained in the 1994 act amending this section, see section 1 of chapter 345, Session Laws of Colorado 1994.