(i) By one (1) insertion published not less than one (1) week before the date fixed for the hearing of the appeal in a daily or weekly newspaper published and having a bona fide general circulation in the county; or
(ii) In any county in which no daily or weekly newspaper is published, by posting a notice at the courthouse and in four (4) other conspicuous places in the county seat of the county for a period of not less than one (1) week before the date fixed for the hearing of the appeal.
“NOTICE OF APPEAL FROM TAX ASSESSMENT Notice is hereby given that hereby appeals to the County Court of County from an assessment on property described as follows: Name of Supposed Owner Description of Property Amount of Assessment Complained of Such appeal will be heard by the county court at o’clock m. at the courthouse at , Arkansas, on the day of , , and any owner of property in said county may appear at said hearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto. County Clerk”.
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