RCW 26.33.070
Appointment of guardian ad litem—When required—Payment of fees.
(1) The court shall appoint a guardian ad litem for any parent or *alleged father under eighteen years of age in any proceeding under this chapter. The court may appoint a guardian ad litem for a child adoptee or any incompetent party in any proceeding under this chapter. The guardian ad litem for a parent or *alleged father, in addition to determining what is in the best interest of the party, shall make an investigation and report to the court concerning whether any written consent to adoption or petition for relinquishment signed by the parent or *alleged father was signed voluntarily and with an understanding of the consequences of the action. If the child to be relinquished is a dependent child under chapter 13.34 RCW and the minor parent is represented by an attorney or guardian ad litem in the dependency proceeding, the court may rely on the minor parent’s dependency court attorney or guardian ad litem to make a report to the court as provided in this subsection.
(2) The court in the county in which a petition is filed shall direct who shall pay the fees of a guardian ad litem or attorney appointed under this chapter and shall approve the payment of the fees. If the court orders the parties to pay the fees of the guardian ad litem, the fees must be established pursuant to the procedures in RCW 26.12.183.
[ 2011 c 292 § 3; 1984 c 155 § 7.]NOTES:
*Reviser’s note: RCW 26.33.020 was amended by 2019 c 46 § 5034, changing the definition of “alleged father” to “alleged genetic parent.”