[ Editor’s note: This section is effective July 1, 2022.]
- There is created in the department the early childhood leadership commission, referred to in this part 3 as the “commission”. The purpose of the commission is to ensure and advance a comprehensive service delivery system for pregnant women and children from birth to eight years of age using data to improve decision-making, alignment, and coordination among federally funded and state-funded services and programs for pregnant women and young children and their families. At a minimum, the comprehensive service delivery system for pregnant women and children and their families must include services in the areas of prenatal health, child health, child mental health, early care and education, and family support and parent education.
- The commission consists of up to twenty-one members as follows:
- The executive directors of each of the following agencies or their designees:
- The state department of human services;
- The department of public health and environment;
- The department of health care policy and financing;
- The department of higher education; and
- The department of early childhood;
- The commissioner of education or the commissioner’s designee;
- The head start collaboration office director for Colorado; and
- No more than fourteen persons appointed by the governor, which persons collectively have the following expertise, affiliations, or backgrounds:
- Representatives of local government groups;
- Representatives of school districts;
- Providers of early childhood supports and services;
- Representatives of head start agencies;
- Persons whose families receive early childhood supports or services;
- Representatives of statewide foundations and nonprofit organizations involved in early childhood issues;
- Members of the business community; and
- Representatives of the local public health community.
- The executive directors of each of the following agencies or their designees:
- In appointing persons to the commission, the governor shall ensure that the appointed persons reflect the gender balance and ethnic diversity in the state and provide representation from throughout the state and that the commission includes representation of persons with disabilities and those who represent language diversity or support families and children who are dual language learners.
- The persons appointed to the commission pursuant to subsection (2)(d) of this section:
- Serve at the pleasure of the governor; and
- Serve without compensation but may receive reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred in fulfilling their duties on the commission.
- If a vacancy occurs in the positions appointed pursuant to subsection (2)(d) of this section, the governor shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy.
- The governor shall appoint three persons from among the members of the commission, one representing business interests, one representing private, nonprofit entities, and one representing public entities, to serve as co-chairs of the commission. The commission shall meet regularly at the direction of the co-chairs and as often as necessary to fulfill its duties. The co-chairs may appoint working groups and subcommittees to assist the commission in its work or to address specific issues. The working groups and subcommittees, at the discretion of the co-chairs, may consist of any combination of members of the commission and other persons from the community.
- The commission, in collaboration with the executive director of the department, may appoint a director to assist the commission in fulfilling its duties pursuant to this part 3. The director may appoint such additional persons as may be necessary to assist the commission.
- The governor’s office, the department, and the other agencies represented on the commission may, at the request of the commission and within existing appropriations, provide necessary support to the commission, including but not limited to administrative support, data, and other analytical information. In addition, the commission may seek, accept, and expend gifts, grants, or donations from public or private sources to the extent necessary to cover the expenses of the commission.
Source: L. 2021: Entire title added, (HB 21-1304), ch. 307, p. 1850, § 4, effective July 1, 2022.
Editor’s note: This section is similar to former § 26-6.2-103 as it existed prior to 2021.