(a) A behavioral health provider licensed by the Department of Health and Human Resources adversely affected by an order or citation of a deficient practice issued pursuant to this article or pursuant to federal law may request to use the independent informal dispute resolution process established by this section. A licensee may contest a cited deficiency as contrary to rule, regulation or law or unwarranted by the facts, or any combination thereof.
(b) The independent informal dispute resolution process is not a formal evidentiary proceeding and utilization of the independent informal dispute resolution process does not waive the right of the licensee to request a formal hearing with the secretary.
(c) The independent informal dispute resolution process shall consist of the following:
(1) The secretary shall transmit to the licensee a statement of deficiencies attributed to the licensee and request that the licensee submit a plan of correction addressing the cited deficiencies no later than ten working days following the last day of the survey or inspection, or no later than ten working days following the last day of a complaint investigation. Notification of the availability of the independent informal dispute resolution process and an explanation of the independent informal dispute resolution process shall be included in the transmittal.