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§  270.  Definitions.  As  used  in  this  article, unless the context
clearly requires otherwise:
  1.  "Administrator"  means  an  entity  with  which  the  commissioner
contracts  for  the  purpose  of administering elements of the preferred
drug program, as established under section two  hundred  seventy-two  of
this  article  or  the  clinical  drug  review program established under
section two hundred seventy-four of this article.
  2. "Board" shall mean the drug utilization review board.
  3. "Clinical drug review  program"  means  the  clinical  drug  review
program created by section two hundred seventy-four of this article.
  4.  "Emergency  condition"  means a medical or behavioral condition as
determined by the prescriber or  pharmacists,  the  onset  of  which  is
sudden,  that  manifests  itself  by  symptoms  of  sufficient severity,
including severe pain,  and  for  which  delay  in  beginning  treatment
prescribed by the patient's health care practitioner would result in:

(a) placing the health or safety of the person afflicted with such condition or other person or persons in serious jeopardy;

(b) serious impairment to such person's bodily functions;

(c) serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part of such person;

(d) serious disfigurement of such person; or

(e) severe discomfort. 5. "Non preferred drug" means a prescription drug that is included in the preferred drug program and is not one of the drugs on the preferred drug list because it is either: (a) in a therapeutic class that is included in the preferred drug program and is not one of the drugs on the preferred drug list in that class or (b) manufactured by a pharmaceutical manufacturer with whom the commissioner is negotiating or has negotiated a manufacturer agreement and is not a preferred drug under a manufacturer agreement. 6. "Panel" means the elderly pharmaceutical insurance coverage panel established pursuant to section two hundred forty-four of the elder law. 7. "Preferred drug" means a prescription drug that is either (a) in a therapeutic class that is included in the preferred drug program and is one of the drugs on the preferred drug list in that class or (b) a preferred drug under a manufacturer agreement. 8. "Preferred drug program" means the preferred drug program established under section two hundred seventy-two of this article. 9. "Prescription drug" or "drug" means a drug defined in subdivision seven of section sixty-eight hundred two of the education law, for which a prescription is required under the federal food, drug and cosmetic act. Any drug that does not require a prescription under such act, but which would otherwise meet the criteria under this article for inclusion on the preferred drug list may be added to the preferred drug list under this article; and, if so included, shall be considered to be a prescription drug for purposes of this article; provided that it shall be eligible for reimbursement under a state public health plan when ordered by a prescriber authorized to prescribe under the state public health plan and the prescription is subject to the applicable provisions of this article and paragraph (a) of subdivision four of section three hundred sixty-five-a of the social services law. 10. "Prior authorization" means a process requiring the prescriber or the dispenser to verify with the applicable state public health plan or its authorized agent that the drug is appropriate for the needs of the specific patient. 11. "State public health plan" means the medical assistance program established by title eleven of article five of the social services law (referred to in this article as "Medicaid"), the elderly pharmaceutical insurance coverage program established by title three of article two of the elder law (referred to in this article as "EPIC"), and the family health plus program established by section three hundred sixty-nine-ee of the social services law to the extent that section provides that the program shall be subject to this article. 12. "Supplemental rebate" means a supplemental rebate under subdivision eleven of section two hundred seventy-two of this article. 13. "Therapeutic class" means a group of prescription drugs that produce a particular intended clinical outcome and are grouped together as a therapeutic class by the pharmacy and therapeutics committee. 14. "Manufacturer agreement" means an agreement between the commissioner and a pharmaceutical manufacturer under paragraph (b) of subdivision eleven of section two hundred seventy-two of this article.