- The department is hereby authorized to operate a youth challenge corps program through the use of National Guard or other facilities and equipment for the purpose of providing eligible youth with a program to help them obtain a high school diploma or successfully complete a high school equivalency examination, increase their employment potential, and enhance their education and life skills. The program must be structured as a five-and-one-half-month residential phase that focuses on education and practical life skills, followed by a twelve-month, post-residential phase that involves skilled and trained mentors who support the program graduates. The department is not obligated to implement the program if adequate appropriations or federal or other moneys are not available.
- The program shall comply with the criteria and conditions specified in a cooperative agreement entered into between the chief of the federal National Guard bureau and the state of Colorado.
- The program must comply with any applicable state licensing requirements and must establish a collaborative partnership composed of a representative from, at a minimum, the following:
- The state departments of education, public health and environment, labor, judicial, public safety, and human services;
- A director of a county department of human or social services;
- A school district;
- A sheriff or police department; and
- A community agency that serves youth and three appointed advisory youth members from the agency’s service population.
- The adjutant general of the department, or the adjutant general’s designee, is directed to apply for any federal moneys that may be available to the state for the implementation and operation of the program.
- The adjutant general of the department, or the adjutant general’s designee, is authorized to accept on behalf of the state any gifts, grants, or donations from any private or public source for the purpose of implementing this part 17; except that the department shall not accept a gift, grant, or donation if it is subject to conditions that are inconsistent with this part 17 or any other law of the state.
- All private and public moneys received through gifts, grants, or donations shall be transmitted to the state treasurer, who shall credit the same to the youth challenge corps program fund, which fund is hereby created and referred to in this part 17 as the “fund”. The moneys in the fund are continuously appropriated to the department for the direct and indirect costs associated with the implementation and administration of this part 17. All investment earnings derived from the deposit and investment of moneys in the fund shall be credited to the fund. Any moneys not appropriated shall remain in the fund and shall not be transferred or revert to the general fund at the end of any fiscal year.
Source: L. 2009: Entire part added, (HB 09-1280), ch. 384, p. 2085, § 1, effective August 5. L. 2014: (1) amended, (SB 14-058), ch. 102, p. 385, § 22, effective April 7. L. 2018: IP(3) and (3)(b) amended, (SB 18-092), ch. 38, p. 453, § 141, effective August 8.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 18-092, see section 1 of chapter 38, Session Laws of Colorado 2018.