Sec. 7. (a) After the department has given approval to the resolution of conversion and has returned the resolution of conversion to the savings bank, the savings bank shall give notice of the proposed conversion, by mail, to each depositor of record as of the date of the resolution of conversion. Notice to a depositor shall be sent to the address of the depositor as shown by the records of the savings bank. Notice shall also be given by at least ten (10) consecutive days of publication in a newspaper of general circulation published in the county in which the savings bank is located.
(b) After notice has been given under this section, a copy of the resolution of conversion shall be submitted to the circuit court, superior court, or probate court with jurisdiction in the county in which the savings bank is located.
(c) A depositor of the savings bank aggrieved by the proposed conversion may, not more than twenty (20) days after submission of the resolution of conversion with the court file in the court a verified statement of objection to the proposed conversion. The matter shall be docketed upon the books of the court, and entitled “In the Matter of the Conversion of ___________ Savings Bank to __________” (inserting the names of the savings bank and the successor bank or trust company). The nature of an objection to the conversion is limited to the unfairness of the proposed conversion relative to the rights and interests of the objecting depositor. Without filing pleadings, the savings bank shall be considered to deny the objections.
(d) After the twenty (20) day period for filing objections has expired, the court shall proceed as soon as possible to hear the evidence and determine the fairness of the proposed conversion relative to the individual rights and interests of all objecting depositors. The objecting depositors have the burden of proof.
(e) If the court finds that the proposed conversion is fair with respect to the rights and interests of the objecting depositors, the court shall enter an order:
(1) approving the conversion, subject only to the approval by the secretary of state of the articles of incorporation of the proposed bank or trust company; and
(2) assessing the costs of the proceeding against the objectors.
(f) If the court finds that the proposed conversion is not fair with respect to the rights and interests of the objecting depositors, the court shall enter an order:
(1) enjoining the conversion; and
(2) assessing the costs of the proceeding against the savings bank.
As added by P.L.42-1993, SEC.72. Amended by P.L.84-2016, SEC.126.