Sec. 16.5. (a) This section governs the participation of board members in board actions.
(b) Unless a matter involves setting dividends, loan rates, or fees for services or other general policy applicable to all members of the credit union, a director, a committee member, an officer, or an employee of a credit union shall not in any manner, directly or indirectly, participate in the deliberation or board action on any matter that affects the director’s, committee member’s, officer’s, or employee’s pecuniary interest or the pecuniary interest of an entity other than the credit union in which the director, committee member, officer, or employee is interested.
(c) If one (1) or more directors are disqualified from participating in a matter before the credit union board under subsection (b), the remaining qualified directors present at the meeting, if together with the disqualified director constitutes a quorum, may by majority vote exercise all the powers of the board with respect to the matter under consideration. If all of the directors are disqualified, the members of the credit union shall act on the matter.
(d) If one (1) or more committee members are disqualified from participating in a matter before the committee under subsection (b), the remaining qualified committee members, if together with the disqualified committee member constitutes a quorum, may by majority vote exercise all the powers of the committee with respect to the matter under consideration. If all the committee members are disqualified, the credit union board shall act on the matter.
As added by P.L.35-2010, SEC.156.