§1074. Outdoor stadiums
1. (CONFLICT: Text as amended by PL 2021, c. 598, §6) Issuance of licenses. The bureau may issue a license under this section for the sale of malt liquor, wine and spirits for on-premises consumption to an outdoor stadium, as defined in section 2, subsection 15, paragraph M. A concessionaire or lessee may be issued a license under this section, regardless of whether it controls the premises, as long as that concessionaire or lessee complies with the notice provisions applicable to qualified catering services in section 1076, subsection 7 prior to exercising the license.
[PL 2021, c. 598, §6 (AMD).]1. (CONFLICT: Text as amended by PL 2021, c. 658, §194) Issuance of licenses. The bureau may issue a license under this section for the sale of malt liquor and wine for on-premises consumption to an outdoor stadium, as defined in section 2, subsection 15, paragraph M. A concessionaire or lessee may be issued a license under this section, regardless of whether it controls the premises, as long as that concessionaire or lessee complies with the notice provisions applicable to qualified catering services in section 1076, subsection 7 prior to exercising the license.
[PL 2021, c. 658, §194 (AMD).]2. No sales at events for children. A licensee under this section may not sell malt liquor or wine at an outdoor stadium at any event primarily involving primary or secondary schoolchildren.
[PL 2021, c. 658, §194 (AMD).]3. Conditions on sales. A licensee under this section may not sell malt liquor or wine in the spectator stands at an outdoor stadium. A licensee may sell malt liquor or wine only by the glass in plastic or paper cups.
[PL 2021, c. 658, §194 (AMD).]SECTION HISTORY
PL 1987, c. 45, §A4 (NEW). PL 1997, c. 373, §101 (AMD). PL 2021, c. 598, §6 (AMD). PL 2021, c. 658, §194 (AMD).