RCW 28A.155.050
Services through special excess cost aid programs—Apportionment—Allocations from state excess funds.
Any child who is eligible for special education services through special excess cost aid programs authorized under RCW 28A.155.010 through 28A.155.160 shall be given such services in the least restrictive environment as determined by the student’s individualized education program (IEP) team in the school district in which such student resides. Any school district required to provide such services shall thereupon be granted regular apportionment of state and county school funds and, in addition, allocations from state excess funds made available for such special services for such period of time as such special education program is given: PROVIDED, That should such student or any other student with disabilities attend and participate in a special education program operated by another school district in accordance with the provisions of RCW 28A.225.210, 28A.225.220, and/or 28A.225.250, such regular apportionment shall be granted to the receiving school district, and such receiving school district shall be reimbursed by the district in which such student resides in accordance with rules adopted by the superintendent of public instruction for the entire approved excess cost not reimbursed from such regular apportionment.
[ 2007 c 115 § 5; 1995 c 77 § 11; 1990 c 33 § 124; 1971 ex.s. c 66 § 5; 1969 ex.s. c 223 § 28A.13.040. Prior: 1943 c 120 § 5; Rem. Supp. 1943 § 4679-29. Formerly RCW 28A.13.040, 28.13.040.]NOTES:
Severability—Effective date—1971 ex.s. c 66: See notes following RCW 28A.155.010.