RCW 28B.77.003
(1) Guided by the state’s overarching objective of substantially increasing educational attainment for the purposes outlined in RCW 28B.77.001, the council has a dual mission:
(a) To propose to the governor and the legislature goals for increasing educational attainment in Washington, recommend the resources necessary to achieve the goals, and monitor progress toward meeting the goals;
(b) To propose to the governor, the legislature, and the state’s educational institutions, improvements and innovations needed to continually adapt the state’s educational institutions to evolving educational attainment needs; and
(c) To advocate for higher education through various means, with the goal of educating the general public on the economic, social, and civic benefits of postsecondary education, and the consequent need for increased financial support and civic commitment in the state.
(2) In the pursuit of the missions the council links the work of educational programs, schools, and institutions from secondary through postsecondary education and training and through careers. The council must connect the work of the superintendent of public instruction, the state board of education, the professional educator standards board, the state board for community and technical colleges, the workforce training and education coordinating board, and the four-year institutions of higher education, as well as the independent schools and colleges.
(3) Drawing on the staff expertise of the council and other state, national, and international analysis and research assets, the council must also take a leading role in facilitating educational attainment analysis and research leading to increased educational attainment and education system development.
[ 2012 c 229 § 103.]