(a) The State Boxing Commission, heretofore created, is hereby continued and renamed the State Athletic Commission. The commission shall consist of five persons appointed by the Governor, by and with the consent of the Senate, no more than three of whom shall belong to the same political party and no two of whom shall be residents of the same county at the same time. One member shall have at least three years of experience in the sport of boxing. One member shall have at least three years of experience in the sport of mixed martial arts. One member shall have at least three years of experience in the health care industry as a licensed physician, registered nurse, nurse practitioner, or physicians assistant. Two members shall be citizen members who are not licensed under the provisions of this article and who do not perform any services related to the persons regulated under this article. The members shall serve without pay except that each member shall receive $100 for each day that he or she attends and participates in a public meeting in which the commission makes or deliberates towards an official act: Provided, That the compensation a member may receive pursuant to this subsection during each fiscal year may not exceed $2,000.
(b) At the expiration of the term of each member, his or her successor shall be appointed by the Governor for a term of four years. If there is a vacancy in the board, the vacancy shall likewise be filled by appointment by the Governor and the Governor shall likewise have the power to remove any commissioner at his or her pleasure.
(c) Any three members of the commission shall constitute a quorum for the exercise of the power or authority conferred upon it. The members of the commission shall, at the first meeting after their appointment, elect one of their number chairman of the commission and another of their number secretary of the commission, shall adopt a seal for the commission, and shall make such rules for the administration of their office, not inconsistent herewith, as they may consider expedient; and they may hereafter amend or abrogate such rules.
(d) The concurrence of at least three commissioners is necessary to render a choice or decision of the commission except that, notwithstanding the requirements of the Open Governmental Proceedings Act, 6-9a-1 et seq. of this code, a quorum of the commission may vote in writing to approve changes to the roster of participants or the roster of officials if the need for the substitution(s) is made known to the commission within 48 hours of an event that the commission previously approved: Provided, That the substitution(s) is necessary to effectuate the match: Provided, however, That the written decision of the commission is presented at the next scheduled meeting of the commission and recorded in its minutes.