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299.15 Reports on substances used; wastewater fee.

(1) The department shall require by rule that all persons discharging industrial wastes, hazardous substances or air contaminants in this state report the manner used, amount used and amount discharged for each such waste, substance or contaminant. The required report shall include industrial wastes and hazardous substances discharged into any sewerage system operated by a municipality. The department may verify reports received by field monitoring of industrial waste and other waste outfalls and air contaminant sources.


(a) The department by rule shall prescribe method of analysis and form of the reports required by this section and shall establish parameters for the pollutants on which reports are required by this section. The pollutants for which parameters are to be established shall include, but are not limited to:

1. Hazardous substances;

2. Air contaminants; and

3. Elemental discharges such as mercury or cadmium which may be toxic or hazardous when released to the environment.

(b) The department may, by rule, establish minimum reporting levels for pollutants and minimum effluent volumes for which reports are required under this section.



1. There is established an annual wastewater discharge environmental fee.

2. In fiscal year 1991-92, the fee under this paragraph shall be paid by each person required to report a wastewater discharge under sub. (1). In fiscal year 1991-92, the fee under this paragraph shall be based on an administrative fee of $100 plus an additional fee, to be set by the department by rule and to be based on the concentration or quantity or both of pollutants discharged in relation to the parameters established under sub. (2) (a).

3. After June 30, 1992, the fee under this paragraph shall be paid by each person required to obtain a permit under s. 283.31, other than a person who owns or operates a concentrated animal feeding operation. After June 30, 1992, the fee to be paid by a person under this paragraph shall be an amount determined under a rule promulgated by the department and shall be based on those pollutants included in the permit under s. 283.31 that are specified by the department by rule, the environmental harm caused by the pollutants discharged, the quantity of the pollutants discharged and the quality of the water receiving the discharge.

(b) In establishing an annual discharge fee schedule under par. (am) 1., the department shall distinguish between substances discharged directly to surface waters and those discharged into land disposal systems or publicly owned treatment works based on their relative impacts on the quality of groundwaters and surface waters.


1. In fiscal year 1999-2000, the department may not charge total fees under par. (am) that exceed $7,450,000.

2. In any fiscal year after fiscal year 1999-2000, the department may not charge total fees under par. (am) that exceed $7,925,000.

3. The department shall charge the fee under par. (am) so that municipalities that are subject to the fee pay 50 percent of the total charged and so that other persons who are subject to the fee pay 50 percent of the total charged.

(d) The annual fees under this section shall be paid for each plant at which pollutants are discharged.

(e) In the rules under par. (am) 3. for fees required to be paid in fiscal years beginning with fiscal year 2000-01, the department shall do all of the following:

1. Use the fees paid by a person in fiscal year 1999-2000 as the basis for the person’s fees.

2. Determine the fee for each person based on the number of units of pollutants discharged by the person, using a 5-year rolling average.

3. Use a performance-based approach that increases a person’s fees in proportion to increases in the number of units of pollutants discharged by the person, as determined under subd. 2., and decreases a person’s fees in proportion to decreases in the number of units of pollutants discharged by the person, as determined under subd. 2.

4. Omit any multiplier or similar mechanism that would increase a person’s fees in order to compensate for decreases in overall amounts of discharges.

5. Omit any provision that would increase the fee per unit of pollutant discharged in order to compensate for decreases in overall amounts of discharges.

(f) Notwithstanding par. (am), a person who owns or operates a concentrated aquatic animal production facility is not required to pay the wastewater discharge environmental fee under this subsection.

(4) Violators of the reporting requirements established under sub. (1) shall forfeit not less than $200 nor more than $10,000 or an amount double the applicable environmental fee under sub. (3), whichever is greater, for each offense.

(5) The department may hold hearings relating to any aspect of the administration of the system established under this section, including, but not limited to, the assessment of fees against specific plants and, in connection therewith, may compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of evidence.

History: 1971 c. 125; 1973 c. 90; 1977 c. 29, 203, 377; 1979 c. 34 ss. 985n, 2102 (39) (a); 1979 c. 221 ss. 634, 2202 (39); Stats. 1979 s. 144.96; 1983 a. 27; 1985 a. 29; 1987 a. 27; 1991 a. 39, 269; 1993 a. 9, 16, 490; 1995 a. 227 s. 822; Stats. 1995 s. 299.15; 1997 a. 27; 1999 a. 9; 2009 a. 28; 2011 a. 207.