(a) Any agency with authority to propose legislative rules may, without hearing, find that an emergency exists requiring that an emergency rule be promulgated and promulgate the emergency rule in accordance with this section. The agency shall file the emergency rule, together with a statement of the facts and circumstances constituting the emergency and a listing of state agencies, professions, businesses and other identifiable interest groups affected by the proposed emergency rule, with the Secretary of State, who shall publish a notice of the filing in the State Register. However, an agency's good faith failure to list all known state agencies, professions, businesses and other identifiable interest groups is not a basis for disapproval of the emergency rule or does not subject the emergency rule to judicial review. The emergency rule becomes effective upon the approval of the Secretary of State in accordance with section fifteen-a of this article or upon the approval of the Attorney General in accordance with section fifteen-b of this article or upon the forty-second day following the filing, whichever occurs first. The emergency rule may adopt, amend or repeal any legislative rule, but the agency shall state, with particularity, the circumstances constituting the emergency requiring the adoption, amendment or repeal, and the emergency rule is subject to de novo review by any court having original jurisdiction of an action challenging its validity. An agency shall immediately file a copy of the emergency rule and the required statement with the Secretary of State and one copy with the Legislative Rule-Making Review Committee.
An emergency rule is effective for not more than fifteen months and expires earlier if any of the following occurs:
(1) The Secretary of State, acting under the authority provided in section fifteen-a of this article, or the Attorney General, acting under the authority provided in section fifteen-b of this article, disapproves the emergency rule because: (A) The emergency rule or an amendment to the emergency rule exceeds the scope of the law authorizing or directing the promulgation of the rule; (B) an emergency does not exist justifying the promulgation of the emergency rule; or (C) the emergency rule was not promulgated in compliance with the provisions of this section. An emergency rule may not be disapproved pursuant to the authority granted by clauses (A) or (B) of this subdivision on the basis that the Secretary of State or the Attorney General disagrees with the underlying public policy established by the Legislature in enacting the authorizing legislation. An emergency rule which would otherwise be approved as being necessary to comply with a time limitation established by this code or by a federal statute or regulation may not be disapproved pursuant to the authority granted by paragraphs (A) or (B) of this subdivision on the basis that the agency has failed to file the emergency rule prior to the date fixed by the time limitation. When the authorizing statute specifically directs an agency to promulgate an emergency rule, or specifically finds that an emergency exists and directs the promulgation of an emergency rule, the emergency rule may not be disapproved pursuant to the authority granted by paragraph (B) of this subdivision. An emergency rule may not be disapproved on the basis that the Legislature has not specifically directed an agency to promulgate the emergency rule, or has not specifically found that an emergency exists and directed the promulgation of an emergency rule;