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Sec. 3.4. (a) This section applies to a voter who:

(1) changes residence from a precinct in a county to another precinct:

(A) in the same county; and

(B) in the same congressional district;

as the former precinct; and

(2) does not notify the county voter registration office of the change of address before election day.

(b) A voter described by subsection (a) may:

(1) correct the voter registration record; and

(2) vote in the precinct where the voter formerly resided;

if the voter makes an oral affirmation as described in subsection (e) or uses the affidavit prescribed by the election division under IC 3-10-11-6 to make a written affirmation as described in section 4 of this chapter of the voter’s current residence address.

(c) A voter who moved outside of a municipality may not return to the precinct where the voter formerly resided to vote in a municipal election.

(d) A voter who moved from a location outside a municipality to a location within a municipality before a:

(1) municipal primary election;

(2) municipal election; or

(3) special election held only within the municipality;

may not vote in the municipal primary election, municipal election, or special election held only within the municipality in the precinct of the person’s former residence.

(e) A voter entitled to make a written affirmation under subsection (b) may make an oral affirmation. The voter must make the oral affirmation before the poll clerks of the precinct. After the voter makes an oral affirmation under this subsection, the poll clerks shall:

(1) reduce the substance of the affirmation to writing at an appropriate location on the poll list; and

(2) initial the affirmation.

As added by P.L.230-2005, SEC.47. Amended by P.L.194-2013, SEC.39; P.L.74-2017, SEC.44.