Sec. 24.5. (a) This section applies to voting on an electronic voting system that includes a voter verifiable paper audit trail.
(b) Except as provided in subsections (c) and (d), the voter may, after reviewing the paper audit trail, determine that an error has been made, and if so, the voter is entitled to one (1) opportunity to correct that error before the voter completes the casting of the voter’s ballot.
(c) This subsection applies if an error is made because of a technology malfunction or malfunction of the voting system. Except as provided in subsection (d), the voter may, until the malfunction is corrected, review the paper audit trail to determine if an error has been made. After the malfunction has been corrected, the voter is entitled to one (1) opportunity to correct the error before the voter completes the casting of the voter’s ballot.
(d) This subsection applies if the voter is a voter with disabilities. The voter may, after reviewing the paper audit trail, determine that an error has been made, and if so, the voter is entitled to as many opportunities as the voter needs to correct the error before the voter completes the casting of the voter’s ballot.
As added by P.L.71-2019, SEC.17.