Sec. 10. (a) Public questions shall be placed on the general election ballot in the following order after the statement described in section 7 of this chapter, and the instructions described in subsections (d) and (e) and section 8 of this chapter, if instructions are printed on the ballot:
(1) Ratification of a state constitutional amendment.
(2) Local public questions.
Subject to section 10.1 of this chapter, each public question shall be placed in a separate column on the ballot.
(b) The name or title of the political party or independent ticket described in section 6 of this chapter shall be placed on the general election ballot after the public questions described in subsection (a). The device of the political party or independent ticket shall be placed immediately under the name of the political party or independent ticket. Notwithstanding section 8(b) of this chapter, the instructions for voting a straight party ticket shall be placed to the right of the device on the ballot.
(c) The instructions for voting a straight party ticket must conform as nearly as possible to the following:
“(1) You are not required to vote a straight party ticket. If you do not wish to vote a straight party ticket, do not make a mark in this section, and proceed to voting the ballot by office.
(2) To vote a straight (insert political party name) ticket for all (insert political party name) candidates on this ballot, except for candidates described in (3) below, make a voting mark on or in this circle and do not make any other marks on this ballot.
(3) To vote for any candidate for an at-large office (insert county council, city common council, town council, or township board if those offices appear on this ballot) to which more than one (1) person may be elected, you must make another voting mark for each candidate you wish to vote for. Your straight party vote will not count as a vote for any candidate for that office.
(4) If you wish to vote for a candidate seeking a nonpartisan office or on a public question, you must make another voting mark on the appropriate place on this ballot.”.
(d) Except as permitted under section 8(b) of this chapter, if the ballot contains an independent ticket described in section 6 of this chapter and at least one (1) other independent candidate, the ballot must also contain a statement that reads substantially as follows: “A vote cast for an independent ticket will only be counted for the candidates for President and Vice President or governor and lieutenant governor comprising that independent ticket. This vote will NOT be counted for any OTHER independent candidate appearing on the ballot.”.
(e) Except as permitted under section 8(b) of this chapter, the ballot must also contain a statement that reads substantially as follows: “A write-in vote will NOT be counted unless the vote is for a DECLARED write-in candidate. To vote for a write-in candidate, you must make a voting mark on or in the square to the left of the name you have written in or your vote will not be counted.”.
(f) Subject to section 10.1 of this chapter, the list of candidates of the political party shall be placed immediately under the instructions for voting a straight party ticket. The names of the candidates shall be placed three-fourths (3/4) of an inch apart from center to center of the name. The name of each candidate must have, immediately on its left, a square three-eighths (3/8) of an inch on each side.
(g) The circuit court clerk may authorize the printing of ballots containing a ballot variation code to ensure that the proper version of a ballot is used within a precinct.
[Pre-1986 Recodification Citation: 3-1-23-1(b) part.]As added by P.L.5-1986, SEC.7. Amended by P.L.3-1987, SEC.205; P.L.3-1993, SEC.117; P.L.4-1996, SEC.60; P.L.3-1997, SEC.258; P.L.14-2004, SEC.97; P.L.58-2005, SEC.15; P.L.190-2011, SEC.4; P.L.219-2013, SEC.30; P.L.21-2016, SEC.4; P.L.245-2017, SEC.2; P.L.278-2019, SEC.56; P.L.141-2020, SEC.11; P.L.32-2021, SEC.2.